Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dante's Inferno demo review

This demo is the best of its kind to ever grace XBOX 360.
The demo is very playable and extremely fun and addictive.
The visuals are absolutely fantastic and leave the player wanting more and more when the demo ends. You play as Dante of coarse and are pursuing the soul of you beloved Beatrice who has been slain due to your own decisions. EA has taken the great work of author Dante Alligheri and made an ultimate video game experience. They did not follow their typical exploitative formula and instead have created an epic master piece for the consoles that are lucky to get it. The game is very playable and rewards the gamer with gruesome death and action.
The story is solid and the demo makes you very eager for the game to land in FEB. When this game arrives it likely will destory all contenders for Game of the year next year. Nothing looks soooo gooooodddd! Stealing Deaths sceptre was very, very nice and is so rewarding to use that other games who pretend greatness will have to pretend much harder.
This game is big. Enemies are giant and fights are even bigger. Combos are off the charts and the rpg elements of the game are spectacular.
Nothing about this game has a real drawback. The only worry I have is that as of now 720 p is as HD as it gets. This is a great visual experience even at this lesser level but cutscenes are magical and dark so we deserve higher HD capabilities.
The demo gets this sites only perfect score. 5.0 and a +1 for anticipation score.
Nothing else looks like it will rock harder than this literary and gaming opus.
Thank You EA for taking on this great task and thank you even more for not botching the whole deal for us who have been waiting for this game.

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