This demo is loaded. With garbage. The demo essentially places you behind some wooden walls with several vulnerable points covered with branches and poles that you have to frequently repair. Then you have the dinos. They come in many sizes and variations that all seem totally bogus and you find that some guns that are available to you are basically useless. Small cartridge guns like the basic 9mm is a waste on the gigantor dino that comes for your head and face. The demo really only has four types of dinos to kill and only one is really terrifying at all. The teradactyles flying over head aren't even attacking you not do they poo on your head and blind you. (Ok no reason to suggest this as a feature of the game, but at least then there would be reason for you to go, hey they thought this game out a lot.)!!!!!!
The fact is that the game is doggish control scheme and pathetic visuals for the very little going on in the game. There is almost nothing on screen. Some distant trees and a flield along with a large ocean liner or something that absolutley does not belong where it is in the rainforest esque environment that you find yourself in killing hordes of dinosaurs.
Lets face it gamers, Turok games were never that good and this game makes them look awesome. The dynamic of dino vs. human warriors just does not seem to fit. Or at least the efforts thus far to make them fit have been a lot of miss and not much hit.
The aiming is basically shoot near the beast and you will hit it somewhere on the body.
No reward for head shots or take downs. Yet these are animated into the falling dinos.
The demo is a survivor mode. There is no peak at the single player story mode or even a hint to a multiplayer mode. Not that there would be any point. This game gets a non anticipation score of snooooooooze .1 and the demo game gets a score of 1.09 out of 5. Nothing more to see here folks just keep on scrolling bye.
1 comment:
Simply put, this demo made me want to open the gate and let the dinos in.
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