First off, this game is one of many WWII shooters out there on the 360. However the plot this go around is unique. Opening up the road to Berlin for the allies is a good story. The basic set up is you lead squads of troops and try to take down the Nazis and most of the time your behind enemy lines airborn style.

The game is solid and packs some punch. Some of the later missions have you going up against the nazis in more traditional FPS style gameplay. But around 85% of the time you are sending the two squads to lay down cover fire and to pin down the enemy soldiers behind cover. Cover fire is awesome in this game. A lot of obstacles and rubble make great cover for you to jump and hole yourself up temporarily behind. The gameplay in that sense takes the style that several other titles before it attempted and does very well.

The multi-player gameplay is not great. There is no balance or abundance of game types online and the tank controls are ok but not solid. The online was not well recieved by gamers and after a month with the game we found only one match with one other player in it. This was to few players to actually really play the game because the match need people in and out of the tank on one side and at least three defenders to make the basic capture the flag multiplayer online work well.

The game is visually stimulating in that you will often see mud and flying rock or metal after explosions or gun fire. The heavy machine guns are great and are equally lethal. It's a lot like ripping a turret off in Halo 3 and running around mowing people down in the dozens. Only in the case the foes are not zombie hordes of the flood. Rather they are nazi hordes and this brings me to the real stunning feature in the gun fights in this game. The headshots are brutal and graphic enough for any whore to say, holy shit! There are also chances that if you land an especially well aimed or placed shot or grenade, you will get a slow motion zoomed in view of the death and mayham. The game is very fun and is very, very challanging on a hard difficulty late in the levels/story. Cut scenes actually add a lot to the telling of the story as well. They make you feel like your playing a Steven Speilberg directed WWII flick. The characters become important to you and are crucial to a real story line that is being developed.
Ultimately this gets a score of 4.65 out of 5. A very worthy and high score. Though there is one disclaimer. This score reflects the single player game not the weak multiplayer. So be aware of that. This game is reviewed and scored as a game that we recommend as a single player game. And for you whores out there, most of the achievements are for the single player game and will be absolutley fun to earn.
1 comment:
This is one of my favorite shooters on the xbox 360 and I really wish the online features would have seen some better time to make them even good. Nonetheless the game is more than worth the less than $30 price new.
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