The people over at Bioware are great at pumping out games but they seem to be taking cues from EA. The game release is to be mirrored by two expansion packs released the same day. Yes the same day. Don't be fooled gamers this is two expansions released the same day as the game and they expect us all to pay $60 for the initial game and $22 more to get both expansions. Now this brings up the argument of greed again and the real trouble here is that when two expansions are ready to be released at the same time as the full game why are they being sold as seperate expansions. If the game was to big for a single disk release then a second content disk should be included to recieve these expansions as part of the $60 price. Game are more expensive to make and that why we are to believe we are charged ten bucks more to buy them brand new at release. But this $22 extra is going too far. When will people stop. There is a recssion in full swing after all. Why should gamers be prey for economic woes. Gamers are poor people too. Not every person who plays xbox 360 or live is rich and able to drop $82 day one for a game launch. Minimum wage has not peaked over $8 an hour and the game publishers seem hell bent on milking every last dollar out of gamers pockets. Soon we won't have the money to buy clothes with pockets. Too much fabric. Then all gamers will have to play naked because the new dlc came out and we had to pawn all our clean clothes and have no money left over to clean the rest. Alright then, Bioware! Are you and EA advocating gamers be nude 24 hrs a day? If so maybe there is something to this. However in the spirit of the coming hilodays. Humbug to you both. Greedy greedy dollar eaters. Lets be more fair to all gamers please. Lets not just prey on our fandom. Also at a time in the world when there isnt a stockpile of great news for the average family gaming serves as a needed release and source of entertainment for us all. To prey on peoples needs should be frowned upon. In the South after the civil war they called them carpet baggers. Maybe we can call the greed of todays gaming world carpet munchers, or dollar dealers, or lets face it thieves. (PS> lets hope that Borderlands' own 2k isn't paying attention to this greed because it would be great to buy a full game that is great for a while before being raped by dlc costs and the disease of the incomplete releases syndrome.
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