Here is a game that was underated and never saw the attention it deserved. The game was an early release for this system cycle and has all but been forgotten. In a console first the world is being saved by a Native American from a bar on a reservation. The game both rocks and has some tear jerker moments, ha, hah. Anyway even after everyone he knows dies, this hero rocks out and kicks some alien invader ass. The game itself has some super creepy level design and pre portal/orange box gaming with map shifting and the coolest part, the ability to switch to your soul or spirit mode and complete puzzles and kill baddies.

The game isn't graphically the most awe inspiring now that even crap releases look good. However, this game is a lot of fun and is a decent first person challenge. Also there are quality moments to be had here as this plot goes well beyond the shoot, kill, save the world again, formula of other releases. Not to mention this hero really pays the price before becoming the hero. He looses everything just to become a hero and recieves nearly nothing more than his own life as a payment.
It is seriously doubtful that anyone is playing this game online so you'll probably need your buddies to get in on this one with you. I myself never got to enjoy the multiplayer and would have liked to give it a shot as the story mode was so good. Anyway, the game gets a score based on it being older and less graphically solid, of a 3.56 out of 5. Still this game is great and has some decent and some easy achievements to go after in single player mode. This game is cheap at about $6.99 used. Well worth the price of admission and for you whores out there this one is perfect for you.
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