Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Demo is the worst you have tried recently and why?

Here it is. This is your chance to tear apart the demo of your choice. If the game just smells like a lemon don't make lemonade, slam that lemon to the ground and stomp it out of the gaming world once and for all.

Alright you don't have to be that harsh but be honest and give examples please so that your fellow gamers won't waste their precious gaming hours downloading the trash of the dashboard.


Scott A. Baker said...

The worst demo i have played is definately Need for Speed Shift and is also the biggest dissappointment of the year. The game has some good ideas gone wrong. See review for full details. Yet one game that I am greatly dissappointed in not having a demo yet is Borderlands. At least the good people of Gearbox and 2k havent altogether ruled it out.

Scott A. Baker said...

The current worst demo on xbox live is for WET. The game is better now in its full release but didn't take much. This demo is the worst demo we have reviewed yet and is so glitchy that even the weak training mode that is this demo can't be simple enough to make it playable.